Magnašur!!! Obama um įstandiš į GAZA "NO COMMENT"

Vį.... magnašur karlinn, žaš var meira aš segja stašiš upp og klappaš fyrir honum žegar hann stóš upp og sagšist ekki męta aftur į svona samkomu. Hvaš segja Bandarķkjamenn og nżi forsetinn žeirra um fjöldamoršin į Gaza.......eina sem ég hef heyrt Obama segja, er aš Ķsraelsmenn hafa fullann rétt į aš verja sig fyrir įrįsum og "no comment"

Žó svo aš žaš sé mikill sigur aš Obama sé oršin forseti USA, žį finnst mér hetjudżrkun hafa einkennt forsetaskiptin......en hann er bara nżtekinn viš og hefur ekkert gert ennžį sem gerir hann aš hetju. Nema kannski aš allir eru svo óendanlega fegnir aš Bush karlin sé farinn frį, aš hver sį sem tekur viš af honum veršur ósjįlfrįtt hetja fyrir vikiš.

Hér er grein af sķšunni um ummęli Obama af įstandinu į GAZA

by Justin Raimondo

"There was no immediate comment on the Israeli air strikes on Gaza from Obama, who is vacationing with his family in Hawaii, or his staff."

This is how our incoming President has reacted to the worst attack on the Palestinian people in 20 years - by not reacting at all.

The Bush White House, of course, has responded as we all know they would: Israel-has-the-right-to-defend itself, let the killing begin, etc., ad nauseum.

And don't expect much better from the Obama camp. Remember how he scolded the UN for daring to even discuss the Gaza situation?:

"We have to understand why Israel is forced to do this... Israel has the right to respond while seeking to minimize any impact on civilians. The Security Council should clearly and unequivocally condemn the rocket attacks... If it cannot bring itself to make these common sense points, I urge you to ensure that it does not speak at all."

With his silence - or, at least, his very delayed reaction - it seems clear that Obama is taking his own advice. Even as Israel takes the possibility of a new page in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict off the agenda, and sabotages all his brave talk about a renewed US diplomatic effort, the great "liberal" hope is apparently tongue-tied. And when he finally speaks, "progressives" should prepare for the worst: after all, this is someone who endorsed the Israeli re-invasion of Lebanon.

The Israeli-Palestinian "peace process"? The Israelis, for their part, are having none of it - and neither is our future President. Erdogan strunsaši śt
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